
——/C-694:陈平-跨学科思维课 (已完结)/
| ├──000陈老师书检索目录.xlsx 15.09kb
| ├──001.1从存在到演化(比利时)伊·普里戈金.pdf 35.20M
| ├──001From Being to Becoming Time and Complexity in the Physical Sciences by Ilya Prigogine (z-lib.org).pdf 16.96M
| ├──002 Order Out of Chaos by Ilya Prigogine, Isabelle Stengers, Alvin Toffler (z-lib.org).pdf 7.12M
| ├──003What Is Life with Mind and Matter and Autobiographical Sketches by Erwin Schrödinger (z-lib.org).pdf 6.13M
| ├──003生命是什么 [奥]埃尔温·薛定谔.pdf 1.30M
| ├──004(数学名著译丛) N. 维纳 – 控制论-科学出版社 (1962).pdf 4.97M
| ├──004Norbert Wiener – Cybernetics or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine-MIT (1965).pdf 20.29M
| ├──005Chaos II by Hao Bai-Lin (z-lib.org).pdf 3.64M
| ├──006Stability and Complexity in Model Ecosystems by Robert M. May (z-lib.org).pdf 4.01M
| ├──007Evolutionary Ecology by Eric R. Pianka (z-lib.org).pdf 14.40M
| ├──008Models in ecology by Smith J.M. (z-lib.org).pdf 6.21M
| ├──009Investigations on the Theory of the Brownian Movement by Albert Einstein (z-lib.org).pdf 6.77M
| ├──010The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (z-lib.org).pdf 1.96M
| ├──010物种起源(国内唯一的第二版中译本).pdf 2.19M
| ├──011The Selfish Gene.pdf 2.25M
| ├──011自私的基因([英]理查德·道金斯+中信出版社+2012-9-1).pdf 23.62M
| ├──012 Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century, Volume I_ The Structure of Everyday Life_ The Limits of the Possible -University of California Press (1992).pdf 40.31M
| ├──013The Modern World-System, volume 1 Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century, With a New Prologue by Immanuel Wallerstein (z-lib.org).pdf 20.36M
| ├──014The Ascent of Man by Jacob Bronowski, Richard Dawkins (z-lib.org).mobi 3.42M
| ├──014The Ascent of Man by Jacob Bronowski, Richard Dawkins.pdf 4.39M
| ├──015Jared M. Diamond – Guns, Germs, and Steel (2003, C.T. Zen).pdf 6.66M
| ├──016[J._D._Bernal]_Science_in_History,_Volume_1_The_E(BookFi).pdf 24.38M
| ├──016[J._D._Bernal]_Science_in_History,_Volume_2_The_S(BookFi).pdf 22.38M
| ├──016[J._D._Bernal]_Science_in_History,_Volume_3_The_N(BookFi).pdf 21.05M
| ├──016[J._D._Bernal]_Science_in_History,_Volume_4_The_S(BookFi).pdf 21.70M
| ├──017The Republic – Plato.pdf 2.63M
| ├──018[Charles_P._Smith]_Motivation_and_Personality_Han(BookFi).pdf 12.75M
| ├──019[Jean_Piaget]_Genetic_Epistemology(BookFi).pdf 3.14M
| ├──020[Marvin_Harris]_Cows,_Pigs,_Wars,_and_Witches_The(BookFi).pdf 10.89M
| ├──021The_Wealth_Of_Nations.pdf 1.61M
| ├──022An Essay on the principle of population.mobi 579.64kb
| ├──022An-Essay-on-the-principle-of-population.pdf 745.87kb
| ├──023[Alfred_Marshall]_Principles_of_economics(BookFi).pdf 1.62M
| ├──024Joseph A. Schumpeter – The Theory of Economic Development_ (1983).epub 420.53kb
| ├──024Joseph A. Schumpeter – The Theory of Economic Development_ (1983).pdf 1.96M
| ├──025Joseph A. Schumpeter – Capitalism, Socialism Democracy(1961).pdf 3.28M
| ├──026price and production.pdf 2.09M
| ├──027Risk, Uncertainty and Profit by Knight F.H. (z-lib.org).djvu 16.04M
| ├──028John Maynard Keynes – The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money-Cambridge University Press (2012).pdf 24.06M
| ├──029[Hyman_Minsky]_John_Maynard_Keynes(BookFi).pdf 1.76M
| ├──030The Stages of Economic Growth A Non-Communist Manifesto by Walt Whitman Rostow (z-lib.org).pdf 11.68M
| ├──031[经济思想的成长(上下)].(美)亨利.威廉.斯皮格尔.扫描版.pdf 18.37M
| ├──032Philip Mirowski – More Heat than Light_ Economics as Social Physics, Physics as Natures Economics -Cambridge University Press (1989).pdf 2.48M
| ├──033The Cash Nexus-Niall ferguson.pdf 11.47M
| ├──034Chinese Economic Performance in a Long Run-Augus Maddison.pdf 1.80M
| ├──034Chinese Economic Performance in the Long Run by Angus Maddison (z-lib.org).pdf 2.16M
| ├──034[华北的小农经济与社会变迁].(美国)黄宗智.扫描版.pdf 6.82M
| ├──035(Cambridge Studies in Chinese History, Literature and Institutions) Ray Huang – Taxation and Governmental Finance in Sixteenth-Century Ming China-Cambridge University Press (2009).pdf 4.88M
| ├──035Taxation and Governmental Finance in Sixteenth-Century Ming China by Ray Huang (z-lib.org).pdf 4.88M
| ├──036adams fallacy-Duncan K.Foley.pdf 697.43kb
| ├──037马克思恩格斯全集[第1版]第3卷.pdf 3.36M
| ├──037中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局 – 马克思恩格斯选集. 第三卷-人民出版社 (2012).pdf 54.69M
| ├──038〔德〕卡尔·马克思著;中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局译 – 资本论(全三卷) 3(2004, 人民出版社).pdf 57.64M
| ├──038资本论[插图典藏版].epub 29.51M
| ├──038资本论_插图典藏版_.pdf 33.44M
| ├──038资本论第一卷.pdf 46.60M
| ├──039孙子兵法·孙膑兵法–王建宇+牟虹+郝小刚等译注.pdf 5.65M
| ├──040家庭、私有制和国家的起源(英文版).pdf 11.97M
| ├──040家庭私有制和国家的起源.pdf 742.27kb
| ├──041毛泽东选集.[第一卷].pdf 19.98M
| ├──042【老子】道德经( 新英译本).pdf 700.41kb
| ├──042道德经.pdf 1.60M
| ├──043世界经济千年史.pdf 33.41M
| ├──044黄仁宇:万历十五年(增订纪念本).pdf 17.38M
| ├──24[Frank_Hyneman_Knight]_Risk,_Uncertainty_and_Profi(BookFi).pdf 10.14M
| ├──28The-Stages-of-Economic-Growth-A-Non-Communist-Manifesto.pdf 74.65M
| ├──999Social-Science-Classics-Series__-Joseph-A.pdf 1.78M
| ├──缺少的论文和书–说明.doc 669.00kb
| └──资料说明.txt 0.33kb
├──01先导片一陈平眼里的世界: 什么是跨学科思维?.mp4 13.07M
├──02先导片一一大师兄的助攻:怎么听懂陈老师的课!.mp4 13.23M
├──03跨学科思维第一课:眉山剑客的思考方式.mp4 56.94M
├──04跨学科思维第二课:与伟大的问题相遇.mp4 83.22M
├──05大师兄的小灶加餐:跨学科思维课导论.mp4 27.68M
├──06陈平老师的快速问答.mp4 44.17M
├──07跨学科思维第三课:批判式思维.mp4 49.50M
├──08深入理解跨学科思维,陈平老师为大家推荐了一个书单.mp4 41.25M
├──09跨学科思维第四课:站到巨人肩上.mp4 141.40M
├──10跨学科思维第五课:将复杂现象分类.mp4 76.11M
├──11跨学科思维第六课:小视野打开新天地.mp4 111.33M
├──12陈平老师跨学科思维课答疑(一).mp4 90.50M
├──13跨学科思维第七课:用历史事实检验理论假设.mp4 150.07M
├──14陈平老师跨学科思维课答疑(二).mp4 57.86M
├──15跨学科思维第八课:现有理论的矛盾处创新.mp4 126.18M
├──16陈平老师跨学科思维课答疑(三).mp4 54.27M
├──17跨学科思维第九课:用方法论改变世界观.mp4 72.45M
├──18陈平老师跨学科思维课答疑(四).mp4 121.10M
├──19跨学科思维第十课:中西竞争的数学寓言.mp4 213.28M
├──20结课加餐剑客敲黑板(一).mp4 54.92M
├──21剑客敲黑板(二).mp4 76.91M
├──22剑客敲黑板(三).mp4 195.23M
├──23剑客敲黑板(四).mp4 146.87M
├──24陈老师的结课寄语2.mp4 6.55M
├──24陈老师的结课寄语.mp4 38.69M
├──本套课程来自www.fjha.net.png 48.90kb
├──陈平 – 代谢增长论_ 技术小波和文明兴衰-北京大学出版社 (2019-3) (1).mobi 7.69M
├──更多课程:www.fjha.net.url 0.11kb
├──图穷联盟-一个致力于搜罗分享学习资源、学习教程的网站.html 174.22kb
└──课程说明.txt 0.37kb
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